Privacy Policy
  • SONG-VPN prioritizes earning trust from users. We are committed to respecting your privacy, explaining what personal information we collect, and how we use and store that information.

Data Collection
  • We do not record your activities, including browsing history, destination of data, content, or DNS queries.
  • We do not store connection logs, meaning no IP addresses, connection timestamps, or session durations.

Use of Personal Information
  • As we do not collect personal information, we do not use it for any purposes.

Third-Party Services
  • We do not share your personal information with third-party services, companies, or individuals. Our app does not include tracking or analytics tools from third parties.

Privacy Policy for Children
  • We comply with COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act). Our services are not intended for children under 13. If we discover personal information from a child under 13, we will promptly delete it upon identification.

Contact Information
  • Contact for inquiries: [email protected]
  • Last updated: 08 Dec 2023
  • We reserve the right to modify or update these terms at any time, with updates reflected in this post.